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74 Google Tools Terbaik

Ada banyak alasan untuk terus menggunakan Google dan semua layanannya, karena sangat mudah dalam penggunannya juga cukup cepat dalam menjalankan sebagian besar aplikasi nya), dan hanya menggunakan satu alamat email yang sama untuk pengoperasiannya, seperti Gmail, AdSense, Blogger, dll


Berikut ini adalah daftar panjang dari Google Tools dimulai dengan yang paling penting:

Quote: search engine
Google Base: classified ads
Google Alerts: alerts on items of interest
Google Translate : Google translate
Google News: News Service
Google Calendar: organizer
Google Docs & Spreadsheets: documents, spreadsheets and presentations
Google Search History: Search History
Google Webmaster tools: tools for webmasters
Google Analytics: web statistics
Google Adsense: service for webmasters who want to advertise
Google Adwords: service for advertisers
Google Video: video search engine
Google Maps: satellite maps
Google Earth: 3D satellite maps
Google Maps for Mobile: Google Maps for mobile
Google Local: search engine to find businesses, addresses, etc.
Froogle: system to make purchases on the Web (discarded)
Google Products Search: Pengganti Froogle
Google Groups: User Forums
Orkut: community
Google Labs: experimental products
Google Books: Book Search
Google Blogsearch: Search blogs
Google Language Tools: the translator
Google SMS: send an SMS and Google will respond (available in some countries)
Google Press Center: Press Center
Google Zeitgeist: summary of the most sought after by users
Google Jobs: jobs
Google’s Philosophy: The philosophy that underlies Google
Google’s Technology: explanation of the technology used by Google
Google Trends:Information on searching trend
Google Pages: Creating web pages
Google Pack: Google software recommends
Google Store, the online
Gmail: email service
Google Notebook: annotations and notes
Google Talk: the messenger
Picasa: Photo editing and organization
PicasaWeb Albums: photo storage
Google Personalized Home: Homepage
Google Reader: Feed reader
Google Images: image search
Google Code: open source browser source
Blogger: blogging service
Google Mobile: mobile service
Google Finance: Finance News
Google Checkout: online payment service
Google Catalogs: General listings
Google Directory: directory attempts to include sites on the network
Google Desktop: the search for PC
Google Specialized Search: specialized search engine
Google Scholar: search for students
Google Toolbar: the toolbar of the browser
Google Search Features: miscellaneous services
Google Web Accelerator: plugin to optimize the performance of the browser
Google Sketchups: 3D modeling
Google Accessible: Google for people with visual handicaps
Google Co-op: Co-operation and custom search
Google Glossary: Definitions and acronyms
Google Related Links: links related to a topic
Google Mars: Mars on Google Earth
Google Moon: Google Earth for the Moon
Google Ridefinder: Taxi Search
Google Sets: group creation
Google Suggest: try to guess what you want to search
Google Transit: Route Planning
Google Account: Personal Account Management
Google Video Player: Video Player
Google Answers: Answers to questions
Google Glup: Google’s drink (?)
Google Holiday Logos: logo-logo
Google Tisp: internet wireless broadband services

dan yang terbaru:
google+ : social networking


Semoga Bermafaat gan,..

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